The world’s first shared computer is a global network powered by everyday devices – from Macbooks to desktops and everything in between. Instead of Amazon, Google and Microsoft reaping the rewards of the internet we’ve built – you can instead.
Here’s how you can get involved in our testnet and take back control of the internet we love and use everyday.

STEP 1: Install the extension

Signing up is quick and easy, all you need is an email address or a Google account! Remember, we don’t hold any of your personal information.

STEP 2: Share your idle compute resources

To become part of the world’s first shared computer, all you need to do is log in with a stable internet connection. Bless automatically check your device’s performance at all times to ensure that we’re matching it up with the right tasks.

STEP 3: Accrue time

Bless tallies up the minutes, hours and days of uptime you’ve contributed to our global shared computer.

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