💥 TiTAN Testnet Mining App 💥

⭐️ A genuine application for mining TTN1 tokens on the Testnet network.

🌟 The token is part of the TitanNetwork project, which is set to launch its Mainnet in a few months.

🎁 Mined TTN1 tokens on the Testnet will be converted to TTN tokens on the Mainnet at the end of the mining phase.

Steps to Get Started:

  1. Register on the platform using the following link:

  2. Register for TiTAN Testnet

  3. Sign up with your email and activate your account.

  4. Click on Node Management and then Get Identity Code.

  5. Copy the code and download the mining application using the following link:

  6. Download the TiTAN Mining App

  7. Select your device type (Android/PC) and download the appropriate app.

  8. In the app, go to Wallet, paste the Identity Code, and click Connect to the Identity Code.

  9. Start mining tokens and earn rewards! 🚀

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